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All Forums Event
Leading Relationships
Radically change the way you work by focusing on a core element AI can’t begin to touch - human relationships
8:00AM - 1:00PM (breakfast & lunch included)
Springfield Golf & Country Club
8301 Old Keene Rd., Springfield, VA 22152
Members of all 5 Executive Forums and selected guests will gather at the Springfield Country Club to learn together in this exclusive session.

Steve is a keynote speaker and author of the award-winning New York Times Bestseller - Decide: Work Smarter, Reduce Your Stress & Lead by Example. He has spoken at Harvard, Wharton, and His new book, Leading Relationships, will release in February of 2025 (Wiley). Steve’s passion is for continuous improvement and believes that when we stop growing, learning, gaining experience, and achieving goals we stop living.
Steve McClatchy
Alleer Training & Consulting
Only once in a decade is there a book that answers a huge problem in the marketplace and shapes a movement. That problem today is the engagement and retention of your top talent and Leading Relationships is the solution.
Every business needs leaders that understand, not only how to lead the business, but how to lead the people in it.
In this age of AI threatening the future of work Leading Relationships teaches leaders skills that AI will never be able to do for them.
In this presentation leaders will learn how to:
Build relationships strong enough to handle the pressures and tensions inherent in building and leading a dynamic, engaged, fast changing, high-performance, collaborative team.
Change the way leaders work, interact, solve problems, innovate, manage, and lead their business.
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I will learn.
Benjamin Franklin, 1750